Whether it is an outside vendor providing a service, or a contractor to assist in building out or reconfiguring a tenant’s suite for them to work in the building they must be licensed in the State of California and possess a current business license in the City of San Francisco, be a Certified vendor or contractor, and provide copies of:
- Their California Contractor’s License
- Their Business License from the City and County of San Francisco
- Proof of the appropriate levels of liability, and workman’s compensation insurance in the form of a current Certificate of Insurance (COI), naming Hearst Communications, Hearst Corporation and Forest City Enterprises as an additional insured. (See Insurance Requirements)
- A digital copy of their Injury & Illness Prevention Program.
For Contractors building or reconfiguring a space, tenants must provide Property Management with a complete set of architectural drawings for review and approval at least 7 (SEVEN) days before scheduling any work in the Building. Contractor documentation (as outlined above) must be submitted to the Property Manager for each contractor, and sub contractor (including movers or assemblers) that they anticipate working on their project at least 24-hours prior work commencing. Contractors or sub contractors whose documentation package is not complete will not be provided access to the Building.
Only the General Contractor’s site supervisor and the site supervisor of the major sub contractors working on the project may be granted access cards for the Building. All other workers must sign-in at the 901 Mission St. Security Desk each time they arrive at the building. The general contractor and/or the Tenant Office Liaison are responsible for providing the day prior to any work a list of the contractors and their workers approved to enter the job site.
The General Contractor and/or Tenant Office Liaison are also responsible for requesting freight elevator access and support on the days when it is needed.
(Freight elevator access is only available between 6:00 a.m. and 8 a.m. Monday through Friday. When the amount of time required on a given day is more than 20 minutes, a support service fee will be assessed.)
Contractor & Vendor Insurance Regulations All contracts utilizing outside vendors and suppliers that provide goods or services to Tenant’s should address the following insurance and indemnification requirements.
Insurance Requirements Contractors shall maintain at Contractor’s expense and cause Contractor’s subcontractors to maintain the following minimum insurance limits and coverages during the term of the agreement contract:
If products, material or construction services are furnished to the company, Commercial General Liability coverage must include Products/Completed Operations with limits of at least $2,000,000 per occurrence. This insurance should be maintained for a period of at least 5 (FIVE) years after completion of the contract.
NOTE: Total per occurrence limits for coverage required above may be satisfied with any combination of primary and umbrella/excess policies totaling the amount of required insurance. If professional services are provided, (e.g. architects, engineers, software designers, project managers, etc.) Error and Omissions or Professional Liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 in the aggregate should be procured and maintained for a period of at least 5 (FIVE) years after completion of the contract. Errors and Omissions or Professional Liability Insurance limits requirements, depending upon the nature of the service provided. If a contract has potential environmental impact, consideration should be given to requiring Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL or Pollution Liability) insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 for each claim. CERTIFICATE HOLDER REQUIREMENTS All certificates issued to Hearst Communications, Inc. must contain at least the following wording: Hearst Communications,
ADDITIONAL INSURED WORDING Certificates of Insurance issued by contractors and sub-contractors conducting business in and around the Chronicle Building in San Francisco, located at 901 Mission Street, including all CGL, Automobile Liability and umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance shall use the following additional insured working: Hearst Communications, Inc., its agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, its directors, officers and employees (“Company”) are Additional Insureds with respect to the activities conducted by or on behalf of the named insured. The policies listed above are considered primary and non-contributory. Any other coverage available to the Hearst Communications, Inc. shall apply on an excess basis. The insured listed above is solely responsible for any and all applicable deductibles and/or self-insured retentions, with no contributions to be made by Hearst Communications, Inc. Certificate and Evidence of Insurance
Contractors and all Contractor’s subcontractors shall furnish prior to the start of work, Certificates of Insurance or adequate proof of the foregoing insurance including, if specifically requested by the Company, copies of the Endorsements and Insurance Policies. Current Certificates of Insurance should be obtained prior to the commencement of work and be maintained with the contract. Hearst Communications, Inc. should be shown as the certificate holder on every certificate issued. For clarification purposes, the name of the specific operating unit of Hearst may also be shown as part of the certificate holder name. Additionally, the certificate holder information section should contain the specific person’s name to which the certificate should be mailed. The will avoid confusion in operations where multiple individuals may be involved with Contractors. | Preferred Contractors & Vendors for Building Reconfirguration
The Chronicle Building and Hearst Communications, Inc. have entered into agreements with several sub contractors and vendors to provide lower cost, quality assured project support for the Property and Tenants. These vendors are skilled contractors and are available to our Tenants for most small to medium sized jobs. The clear advantage of using our preferred vendors is that it streamlines the approval process most permits are already established, saves time and provides a cost savings for our tenants. All of our ‘Preferred Vendors” have all documentation on file and are up to date. They are familiar with the building, its staff and our rules, regulations and procedures. Preferred Vendor Steps
Outside Vendor - Submittal of the following to Property Management
All above documents should be submitted to the Property Manager via e-mail at [email protected]. OUR PREFERRED CONTRACTORS Electrical – The Facilities Group $140 / hr HVAC – Burlingame Heating $120 / hr
Plumbing – S & D Plumbing $125 / hr
G.C – Vawdrey Const $60 / hr
Metal Fab – Handcrafted Metals $110 / hr