How will the 5M Project look and feel?
Below are preliminary concepts for 5M's buildings and open spaces. Designs for the project continue to evolve, and can also incorporate new ideas and feedback after project approvals.

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Sun and shadow
The 5M Project is designed with multiple open spaces so that there will always be areas with access to sunlight. Mary Court and the Chronicle Rooftop will have year-round sun.
- 5M will cast a small amount of shadow on Boeddeker Park, on an inaccessible landscaped terrace near the park's northern gate. This shadow always occurs before 8:40 am, before the park's gates are open. 5M's new shadows on Boeddeker will be 0.00418% of the park's available sun.
- 5M will cast some shadow on Yerba Buena Gardens North and Yerba Buena Children's Play Area, in or around the winter months, starting in the late afternoon. 5M's new shadows on these open spaces will be 0.08775% and 0.167% of their available sun, respectively.
Watch sun and shadow simulations for 5M open spaces as well as for Boeddeker Park and Yerba Buena. Blue shadows denote net new shadows caused by the 5M Project.
Transportation and pedestrian safety
The 5M Project will widen sidewalks to improve pedestrian safety, add a signalized mid-block crossing across Mission Street to Mint Plaza, and include a plan to reduce car trips. Learn more.
Wind effects
Today, around the 5M Project area, higher-speed winds on the street (known as "exceedances") reach 79 hours a year—mostly at the corner of 5th and Howard. After 5M is built, this would be reduced to 4 hours a year.