Each month at 5M, there are classes, workshops, and events where you can access new ideas, build your community, connect with diverse groups, and discover new opportunities. In | NOVEMBER | engage in art through new interactive exhibits and performances; learn the art of story telling through documentary filmmaking or public speaking; develop strategies for how brand, merchandise, and market your products; and much more...
November's Events include:
HERE BE DRAGONS Art Exihibit | THIS MONTH'S CLASSES at Techshop | FOOD TRUCKS AT 5M every Wednesday and Friday | HUB MASTERS Public Speaking courses | MAKING BEAUTIFUL MAPS with Intersection for the Arts | WHAT IS SFDIGI? Open House | PATH TO FINANCING: The trials, tribulations and successes of funding | SITTING IN A CIRCLE An interactive performance | HOW-TO MAKE ETSY SHOP | 5-WEEK FILMMAKING CLASS Fiction + Documentary | DEL SOL QUINTET Incan Nights | NET IMPACT The Cleantech Entrepreneur Experience | WHAT IS SFMADE? Orientation | CREATING WINNING BRANDING AND MERCHANDISING STRATEGIES with Banana Republic | SFMADE WINERY TOUR | HOW TO MANUFACTURE LOCALLY
See details of each event by browsing the 5M events page. Click back, or click <a href="" target="_blank>here</a>