[HUB Workbench] BLab + HUB: Doing Better Business: Tools & Community for Impact

WHEN: Jan 16th, 1 - 2:30 pm |
WHERE : 925 Mission St |
Details: About the workshop: Ever wonder how we can tell the difference between a good company and what is just good marketing? Most of us want to support good brands that are doing good for people and planet. But we’re also very skeptic of what companies are claiming. How can we know for sure?
We need standards. We need standards to help us differentiate good companies, whether we are a consumer, an investor, the government or a business looking to make partnerships.
In this session, we will explore the emergence of the B Corp, both the Certified B Corp as well as the Benefit Corporation as a legally recognized corporate structure. We will then get into why it is important to measure your company’s social and environmental performance, at any stage, and tools to help you do so.
Join Andy Fyfe from B Lab, the non-profit behind the B Corp as he will engage a conversation on how business can be part of the solution and not the problem. Bring an open mind, your business teams, your friends who own businesses that do good. The session will kick off with group introductions, a short video, and then some B Corp 101. The remainder and most of the time spent together will be a discussion on how B Corp brings value to the businesses in the room. You will walk away inspired that businesses are out there redefining success by choosing to do good for others and for our Earth. You will also be able to track and improve your business practices by using B Lab’s B Impact Assessment more efficiently.
P.S. Did you know that HUB Bay Area is a Certified B Corp?!
About Andy Fyfe and Jeff Shiau
Andy Fyfe works for B Lab in Community Development. His role is to grow the community of Certified B Corporations and amplify the voice of the community as a whole. With over 150 Certified B Corps in the Bay Area alone, there is no shortage of examples of local companies redefining success in business in this way. Andy Fyfe has a background in international affairs, global peace studies, microfinance, and community workspace programming. He is a San Francisco native and is an avid Giants fan and skier. Jeff is the HUB Cities Project Senior Associate and Mission HUB’s Media and Communications manager. He previously held the position as HUB Berkeley Director and Head Host. Prior to joining the HUB Bay Area team, he was an entrepreneur starting a consumer product company, working mainly out of HUB Berkeley. He previously worked with Growthink Strategy Consulting, and also spent time developing community oriented organizations around themes such as finance and entrepreneurship. He has particular interests in performance management psychology, social behavior, and industrial organization. Jeff is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego, with a B.A. in Economics, and a B.S. in Social Psychology. Email Jeff at [email protected].