SFMADE | WHEN: February 16th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM | WHERE: Techshop, 926 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: SFMade, in partnership with Manex, presents: Introduction to Lean Manufacturing. Having a company that runs like a well oiled Lean machine has never been more important, especially for manufacturers! Whether you are running your own in-house operations or working with subcontractors, this workshop is for you.
More+Posts Tagged ‘public classes’
HUB | WHEN: February 15th, 7:00 - 10:00 PM | WHERE: DETAILS: Skillshare SF will be launching an exciting joint venture with Hub Bay Area. Skillshare Night - a twice monthly event - brings Skillshare’s budding community together in one of the most unique physical spaces in SF - the community and work space Hub San Francisco - to share not only skills but also connections and conversation. The first Skillshare Night will be held on February 15th from 7 PM to 9:30 PM with classes being taught by a wide variety of Skillsharers from 7 to 9 PM and an amazing post-class ‘mixer’ from 9 to 9:30 PM.
More+SFMADE | WHEN: February 15th, 6:00 - 8:30 PM | WHERE: Techshop, 926 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: Come join SFMade’s Kate Sofis and a panel of experts in an exploration of the conventional and less conventional ways to fund the start-up and early stage growth of an artisanal manufacturer. Learn about how other successful manufacturers have used a combination of asset-based lending (including receivables, purchase order, inventory, equipment, and real estate); socially-responsible private equity; crowd-sourcing; and innovative retail partnerships.
More+TECHSHOP | WHEN: February 8th, 7:00 - 8:30 PM | WHERE: Techshop, 926 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94103 DETAILS: The Brand of You: Personal Branding Workshop. You are what makes your business unique. It’s more than just the product you make or the service you offer, it’s the story behind what you do and why you do it. Finding your unique story and telling it not only makes you more memorable, it makes people want to share it. Who doesn’t want that?
More+HUB | WHEN: Applications due March 5th | WHERE: Apply Online | DETAILS: *APPLY FOR THE 2012 COHORT* Hub Ventures helps high caliber entrepreneurs build their world-changing startups better and faster. During the 12-week program, participating companies receive seed funding and engage in best-in-class mentorship, collaborative sessions with program peers, and workshops and speaker events on topics relevant to impact oriented startups. Companies connect with an extensive network of investors during the program and have a chance to pitch their ideas to hundreds of Bay Area investors during the program’s Investor Day.
More+TECHSHOP | WHEN: Throughout February | WHERE: Techshop, 926 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: Techshop offers a range of classes in Arts and Crafts, Autodesk (CAD), CNC, Electronics, Fabrication, Laser Cutting, Machining, Metal Shop, Textiles, Welding, Woodshop, and more. You do not need to be a member to classes! Whether you are an inventor, maker, hacker, tinkerer, artist, roboteer, entrepreneur, artist, crafts enthusiasts, or anyone else Techshop has classes for anyone who wants to be able to make things that they dream up but don’t have the tools, space or skills to do so on their own. See all class listings here…
More+HUB | WHEN : Every Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 PM | WHERE: The Hub SoMa, 925 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: HubMasters is a weekly professional development program focused on public speaking, communications and leadership. It is based on the proven ToastMasters International format. Everyone is welcome to visit the club anytime as a guest. Improve your public speaking skills for presentations, social events and in everyday conversation! Meet like-minded people - Get valuable feedback - Boost skills and self-confidence - Local - Join a supportive community of fellow speakers Learn more here…
More+SFMADE | WHEN: January 31th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM | WHERE: TechShop, 926 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 | If you are planning to produce clothing, accessories, food or building/furniture products, this session is for you! … In an interactive and supportive environment, you’ll learn how to set-up and manage your own manufacturing operation or use contract manufacturers.
SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL OF DIGITAL FILMMAKING (SFSDF) | WHEN: Begins January 30th | WHERE: SFSDF, 925 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: The One-Year Digital Filmmaking Program is an intensive, hands-on program designed that teaches the art of filmmaking and prepares students for a career in the motion picture industry. This program teaches the art and craft of independent filmmaking by using an innovative project-based curriculum taught by award-winning filmmakers. Students create five of their own films and crew alongside professionals on a feature-length motion picture.
HUB | WHEN : Every Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 PM | WHERE: The Hub SoMa, 925 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: HubMasters is a weekly professional development program focused on public speaking, communications and leadership. It is based on the proven ToastMasters International format. Everyone is welcome to visit the club anytime as a guest. Improve your public speaking skills for presentations, social events and in everyday conversation!