SFMADE WHEN: November 16th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM WHERE: Techshop, 926 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94103 DETAILS: SFMade in partnership with Banana Republic presents: Creating Winning Branding and Merchandising Strategies How do you set yourself apart from the competition? What makes your brand unique? These are important questions that help shape your brand’s perception and position in the market. Merchants from Banana Republic’s Accessories and Licensing Division will discuss how you can help drive your business through using key merchandising pillars and effective storytelling.
More+Posts Tagged ‘SFMade’
SFMADE | WHEN: November 15th 6:00 - 7:00 PM | WHERE: Techshop, 926 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: If you are a small-scale maker or manufacturer, or you’re simply interested in stimulating local industry, come learn about SFMade’s programs and services and how SFMade helps manufacturing companies to succeed. A free event
More+How to Manufacture Locally
SFMADE | WHEN: October 25th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM | WHERE: TechShop, 926 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 | If you are planning to produce clothing, accessories, food or building/furniture products, this session is for you! … In an interactive and supportive environment, you’ll learn how to set-up and manage your own manufacturing operation or use contract manufacturers.
More+Reclaimed, Recycled… Revenue!
SFMADE | WHEN: October 20 2011, 3:00p.m. - 5:00 PM | WHERE: Recology Transfer Station and Environmental Learning Center, San Francisco, CA | DETAILS: Do you or have you considered: How to make use of reclaimed materials in your products? Are there readily available reclaimed materials at little or no cost in ready supply? And how do I get my hands on this stuff?
More+What is SFMade? Info Session
SFMADE | WHEN: October 18th, 6:00 -7:00 PM | WHERE: TechShop, 926 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: An overview of SFMade’s programs and services and how SFMade helps manufacturing companies to succeed.
More+Bike to Make Factory Tour
SFMADE | WHEN: September 29th, 1:00 - 3:00 PM | WHERE: Tour begins at TechShop, 926 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94103 | Join SFMade and the SF Bicycle Coalition for a visit to three of San Francisco’s neighborhoods that still are home to many of our City’s finest local manufacturers – South of Market, the Northeast Mission, and the Dogpatch.
More+How to Manufacture Locally
SFMADE | WHEN: September 27th, 6:00 - 8:00 PM | WHERE: TechShop, 926 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 | If you are planning to produce clothing, accessories, food or building/furniture products, this session is for you! … In an interactive and supportive environment, you’ll learn how to set-up and manage your own manufacturing operation or use contract manufacturers.
More+What is SFMade? Info Session
SFMADE | WHEN: September 20th, 6:00 -7:00 PM | WHERE: TechShop, 926 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 | An overview of SFMade’s programs and services and how SFMade helps manufacturing companies to succeed.
More+Campaign for 100% Local

BAY CITIZEN | SFMade has a few talking points in this interesting article about the growing movement for locally made apparel in the Bay Citizen “In California, Campaign for Clothes 100% Local“, published on July 7th, 2011.
More+Clinton recognizes Urban Manufacturing Alliance

With support for local manufacturing gaining momentum across the country, SFMade’s executive director Kate Sofis (pictured left) was a key participant at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) America conference in Chicago this week, where she announced the launch of the Urban Manufacturing Alliance, an initiative to form a national network of regional manufacturing efforts across major US cities, beginning with San Francisco and New York City.