NEW YORK TIMES | In an era of concern about climate change, residential suburbs are the focus of a new round of critiques... yet rethinking sprawl might begin much more effectively with the suburban office. Rethinking pastoral capitalism is integral to creating a connected, compact metropolitan landscape that tackles rather than sidesteps a post-peak-oil future - explains Louize A. Mozingo for the New York Times.
In this Op-ed piece, Mozingo describes the unsustainable design of suburban campuses, where cars are required and open spaces are privatized; their segregating quality, where corporations cut themselves off from participation in a larger public realm; and offers three interrelated strategies to rethink and redo the outdated and unsustainable trend.
"Those jurisdictions and businesses that first create livable, workable, post-peak-oil metropolitan regions are the ones that will win in the future."
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