INTERSECTION FOR THE ARTS | WHEN: November 2nd, 6:00 – 9:00 PM | WHERE: Intersection for the Arts, 925 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: Discover your inner cartographer in 3 hours! From the first human maps on cave walls to real-time, continually-updated, crowdsourced geodata, mapping has come a long way in the last 8,000 years. Maps are currently used in an endless number of ways by artists, designers, developers, scientists, urban planners, city officials, tourists, explorers, and more.
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HUB | WHEN : Every Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 PM | WHERE: The Hub SoMa, 925 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: HubMasters is a weekly professional development program focused on public speaking, communications and leadership. It is based on the proven ToastMasters International format. Everyone is welcome to visit the club anytime as a guest. Improve your public speaking skills for presentations, social events and in everyday conversation!
More+INTERSECTION FOR THE ARTS | WHEN : Until January 4th, 2012 | WHERE: Intersection for the Arts, 925 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: Mapping is a fundamental part of how we relate to and make sense of our surroundings. More than just tools for getting from A to B, maps are selective records of the wider world, loaded with creative, and often subjective, meaning. Here Be Dragons - Mapping Information and Imagination - is a group exhibition that features artists who utilize the tools, language, and strategies of mapping to distill and interpret large quantities of information and data, while also imaginatively envisioning place through charting stories, history, emotion, and ideas.
More+Performance | Gilda Stories
INTERSECTION FOR THE ARTS | WHEN: October 22, 2011, 7:00 - 9:00 PM | WHERE: Intersection for the Arts, 925 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: Featuring readings and performances from the Gilda Stories, a double Lambda Award winning novel that follows the life of an African-American lesbian vampire through the nineteenth through the twenty-first centuries.
More+Exhibit Opening | Here be Dragons
INTERSECTION FOR THE ARTS | WHEN: October 21, 2011, 7:00 - 9:00 PM | WHERE: Intersection Gallery, 925 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | DETAILS: EXHIBIT OPENING! Mapping Information and Imagination. A group exhibition that features tools, language, and strategies of mapping to distill and interpret large quantities of information and data, while also imaginatively envisioning place through charting stories, history, emotion, and ideas.

THE ATLANTIC | Depending on where you look, you could easily mistake the famed Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for a robotics laboratory…or an architecture firm… or a computer-programming office…or maybe a hospital, Atlantic explains. The engineers, designers, scientists, and physicians who constitute the two dozen research groups housed there work in what may be the world’s most interesting, most hyper-interdisciplinary think tank. Researchers end up pollinating other projects with insights and ideas, within a hive of serendipitous collaboration.
More+To Cultivate Innovation, Work like an Artist

INNOVATION EXCELLENCE | Innovation calls for so much more than just hard work, Michael Hugos explains to Innovation Excellence. Artists have a lot to teach us about how to cultivate new ideas. Artists describe that ideas “come” to them from outside of themselves and what they do is give form to those ideas. Hugos describes four basic practices that the innovative business person learn from artists: immerse yourself, collaborate frequently, tolerate uncertainty, and look for simple patterns.
More+Sweet Beans & Rice Writing Workshop

INTERSECTION FOR THE ARTS | WHEN: August 10th and 17th, 6:00PM to 9:00PM | WHERE: Intersection for the Arts, 925 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | This workshop is aimed at writing located within or based on an Asian-Latino cultural expression. Participants will write poems and stories based on found objects from our online living archive of images, recipes, and other ephemera. The final class includes a performance for an invited audience.
More+Chico & Chang - The Impact of Latino and Asian Cultures on California’s Visual Landscape

INTERSECTION FOR THE ARTS, GALLERY at 5M | WHEN: Saturday, June 11th - Saturday, August 20th | WHERE: 5M Gallery, 925 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 | Intersection for the Arts presents Chico & Chang, a group exhibition that looks at the impact of Latino and Asian cultures on California’s visual landscape through new sculpture, video, and painting. Recently released results of the 2010 census show the continuing shift of California’s ethnic composition; Latinos and Asians accounted for virtually all of California’s population growth since 2000.
More+Intersection for the Arts advances the Paradigm

Intersection for the Arts and Forest City Development have forged a unique partnership rooted in a shared belief that art and creativity realized through meaningful, inclusive, and collaborative places fuels vibrancy and facilitates positive change. We believe that innovation is social. The change the world needs now happens when we are outside of our silohs - colliding with complex experiences, grappling with new metaphors, learning to participate in new worlds, understanding people who are different than us, having to find new ways to communicate and problem solve.