Posts Tagged ‘artists’

New neighbors creating ‘smart communities’

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SF GATE | SF Gate thinks of it as a sort of art-tech progressivism, based on what John M Eger calls Smart Communities - connected (through wireless technology), creative (supporting arts and culture, and collaborative (through civic engagement). A whole set of “smart” “progressive” arts, technology, and entrepreneurial organizations are moving in and remaking the San Francisco Chronicle building in an joint effort between Forest City Development Corporation and The Hearst Corp, owner of the Chronicle.


A new location means a Huge Step Forward

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INTERSECTION FOR THE ARTS | Intersection for the Arts announces that it is continuing its long standing tradition of dynamic evolution and is moving to a new location in Spring 2011. This historic chapter in Intersection’s legendary journey will open unprecedented doors for Bay Area artists and cultural activists and will prompt the design of a new, permanent, state-of-the-art home for Intersection for the Arts and its community. In true Intersection tradition, we are actively acknowledging that the world has changed and we are boldly responding and re-inventing!
